Guild Atwood, lifemask, |
Guild Traces
notes on all that remains,
Guilds, as I know
them, are hands-on people - |
tile by James Wesley Guild, 1923; | |
The name Guild, as my family says it, rhymes with 'child', 'mild,
'wild', 'riled'! A good deal of what I know came from a times-removed cousin, Mae
Guild Atwood Barrett. | |||
On December 26th, 1991, I, my husband, and two young children stopped quickly at Dedham, Massachesetts. We were beginning a cross-country drive to Vancouver, so I was in a rush. Luckily, the town's archivist was in that day, in the town's quaint brick museum. I said, "I'm Brenda Guild, I wonder what you might have on the Guilds, and I only have an hour." He said, "Oh no, you're all the same. There are only 2,000 of you in North America, and you all, at some point, come tearing through here, wanting everything I've got in an hour." Further, he said, since 1640, when the Guilds were first recorded in Massachusetts - forget other claims to have come in 1636, because he didn't have those records - they've married out until it's taken 20,000 people to make you. Why does that one old guy matter at all? |
"Because he's my name," I said. "We say it 'guiled', as you obviously know, and I still believe we came in 1636, although I'd love to see your 1640 record of John Guild - that's my line." I'd been told that we started the first weavers' guilds - said "guiled" then - in England, by way of Guernsey and Jersey. Old cousin Mae said that we came from Normandy before that, and from Norse lands earlier still. A 'guild' was the payment made to belong to a work or trade group. The word has the same root as the Dutch coin, gilder. The person who payed a guild became a guild member. Some took the name Guild, although not many, and there still aren't many of us now.
title page of Guild book | |
John Guild John Guild's signature, from his Will The house of John Guild, at Dedham, The Guild house, now gone, was just south off old High Road. Guild Road remains a cul-de-sac midst centuries of infill. |
Every man wishing to settle in Dedham before the early 1650s was required to sign the covenant below, a Utopian statement of community intent based on love, peace, fairness, justice, and mutual well-being. It was also a way of "keeping off from us all such as shall not be found fitting."
My Guild kin have/had an idealistic streak that, for centuries, has kept them moving ever west and to less settled areas, where they could become groundlevel builders of new and better - they hope/d - communities. The flip side is a tendency to high-horse judgments, impatience, and restlessness, which we need to recognize and temper. When things don't work out, we can be quick to sever ties and move on. |
From the above book's introduction, page 17: The brothers John and Samuel Guild, with their sister Ann, arrived about the year 1636, but the place from whence they embarked, the name of the ship in which they came, or the port of their arrival, are not positively known, neither is it ascertained beyond a doubt where they wre located previous to their going to Dedham, Mass. They were probably quite young when they came, and judging from the dates of marriage of each, and of the qualifying of the brothers as freemen, it is conjectured that Ann was the oldest, being about twenty, John about eighteen, and Samuel about sixteen years of age. It is probable that the two brothers John and Samuel, and their sister Ann, were in Dedham as early as 1637, as in this year, John subscribed to the town compact or covenant. In 1638 the marriage of Ann is recorded there. John is named among the original proprietors to whom land was granted on the first apportionment in severalty, in 1642; but as Samuel left in 1640 [for Newport, Connecticut], his name is not found as a landholder. Ann Guild, John's and Samuel's sister, married James Allen in Dedham on March 16, 1638. Their four children were born in Dedham before they moved in 1649, to help found the settlement of Medfield. | |
Guild Road close-up, above, is from the Dedham Historical Society's "Notes on Historic Dedham" booklet. |
Map of
Dedham today, | ||
My line traces through John Guild's son. I use 'survived' to mean
living to adulthood. |
The first Timothy Guild in my line moved to Ontario circa 1812, when son Julius was ~ six. \/ Someone wrote on the back of this photo, "Uncle Timmy Guilds I think." Mae's firm hand then identifies this fellow as "Julius Guild" (quite different looking from another Julius Guild, son of the next Timothy). This photo appears to be mid-1800s vintage, so may be the first Canadian Guild in my line. |
The second Timothy Guild in my line: \/
Timothy Guild - identified by Gladys Guild Hargreaves, my grandad's sister, as her grandfather. A note by Mae's father calls him Uncle Timmy "Tickle Briches" [sic]. | |
I saw gravestones for Guilds and Clevelands (my mother's maiden name) together in Dedham's old burying ground. In the Blenheim area of Ontario, these names again appear in proximity in graveyards. In the Jasper cemetery, in Alberta, Guild and Cleveland markers are also near each other. While families move in similar patterns when pushed and pulled by larger forces, it's a bit uncanny to have paternal and maternal forebears showing up in exactly the same small, far-flung towns. I see an affinity at work here, perhaps even a fate (not of the planned variety, but, given the odds, a fitting inevitability.) * * * The second Timothy Guild had a younger brother, James Brisby Guild, grandfather of my old cousin Mae, who was an avid genealogist for her last 40 years. Her volumous work isn't, alas, consistently reliable, but it's a great work of heart and a heap of ore to be mined. While I don't share her zeal for tracing long-lost cousins, I appreciate very much her work and lively character. To honour her, as a fine, bright woman on a great mission, I modelled a key character in my novel, Telling Maya (pages 11-18) after her. |
The Guild homestead, Mallorytown, Ontario (northeast of
Kingston): | ||
Timothy Guild's house, which he built in Guilds, Ontario (five miles from Blenheim) | |||
Gosnell's daughter, |
| ||
Guilds, Ontario, school |
James Wesley Guild |
Guilds, Ontario, Methodist Church | |
James Wesley Guild,
One of two marriage certificates; the other was witnessed by J.E.Guild (Julius Edwin, b. 1866 - not the older Julius above) and Katie Horspool. |
Mary Horspool,
1892, ... while she agreed to obey, serve, love, honour and keep him in sickness and in health. | |
Mary Horspool's mother and father, John and Harriet Horspool, were prominent farmers in the Ridgetown area. Mary was likely third of nine children, with two younger brothers, the rest sisters. The family maintained connections to Winnipeg - strongs ones, since Mary was buried there. Soon after marrying, James and Mary took the train to Strathcona, now part of south Edmonton. They went with a group of people from Blenheim and Guilds, Ontario, to settle as a colony at Clearwater, NWT/Alberta, about 20 miles south of Edmonton. near Leduc (which was named by my grandmother's grandfather - LINK). Gordon Grover Guild's was born at the home-stead. His birth certificate says he was born at Leduc, Alberta, on October 27, 1893 > |
The birth of Gordon's s little sister, Gladys Gertrude, was also at the homestead, on June 1st, 1897, registered as Leduc. |
![]() 1899: she's 2, he's 6. | |
The handsome, thriving family, 1899. |
My grandad, Donald Maurice Guild, was born at the Edmonton diary farm on August 28, 1905. He was two when first photographed. Toddler boys wore
dresses then, no problem. | ||
Not long after Don was born, James Wesley sold the dairy, which became the Edmonton Dairy Company, a lucrative, long-running operation. He took his family back to Guilds, Ontario, to be with Grandfather Timothy, who was ailing. He died in June of 1907. They came west again, to Saskatchewan, where James started a dray (hauling) business. After less than a year, he moved his family back to Edmonton, where he continued his cartage company, which included moving pianos. Son Gordon helped him. |
Wesley's 1908 edition of an album for 19th century stamps - nothing newer
than 1900. | ||
He built a small house in the Norwood district of Edmonton - a place to live while he built a big house beside it. This is how it looked a decade later. It was so large that, today, it's a condo with six suites. From young Don's stamp album, with newer stamps. He wrote his address on it. |
11516 - 95A
Street | ||
Grandad Don, wearing a paper Babco paint hat. He was a happy lad in Edmonton then. His big brother had gone to war, but the odd letter came home reporting that he was alive and well enough. Gordon was "highly praised as a gallant soldier. He was tall and strong and a deadly bomb thrower." |
Edmonton newspaper reports say that Gordon Grover was wounded on March 25th, 1916, hit by shrapnel in the back. He spent seven weeks in a British tent hospital, where he wrote home that they were treating him splendidly. "This is the first time that I have slept with my clothes off since I was on leave in London seven months ago." After seven weeks, he was patched up well enough to return to the trenches of France. A letter home to Mom, stamped Aug 15, 1916. | |
Mary, half-hidden. She still had some weight on her, which dropped through grim times. | ||
Mary struggled to accept her son's brutal, senseless death. It tested her Methodist faith, and to assuage her doubts, she went to church ever more zealously to gain understanding, acceptance, and comfort. According to Grandad, these remained elusive. Her health began to suffer. Four-and-a-half years after Gordon died, a letter came to Edmonton from Ottawa's "Militia and Defence":
Mary and daughter Gladys, ~1919; last photo I have of Mary. Glad attended Camrose Normal School to become a school teacher. |
His remains had been removed from the Courcelette Road Cemetery, Miramount, North Est of Albert and reinterred in the Regina French Cemetery, five-and-a-half miles N.W. of Albert, France. According to the burial report, "Plot 1, Row A, Grave 17", was marked with a "Temporary Wooden Memorial erected with all particulars of the deceased inscribed thereon." ... "The late soldier marginally noted" with "all particulars of the deceased" on a little wooden cross. Belittling words that doubtless his hard. Mary's health declined further, but I have no family records or hearsay about her condition. A doctor said she'd improve if she lived near sea-level. In 1920, Mary, James, and 14-year-old Don moved to New Westminster. They kept the Edmonton house. Gladys went to teach Indian children at Lesser Slave Lake in her first one-room school. | |
Grandad and his parents settled at 676 - 13th Avenue, New West - a house and house number that no longer exist. Mail came addressed to Burnaby, New Westminster. Grandad said that his mom went up the hill to the Methodist Church several times a day. She often took him with her. Grandma told me, in 1993 (I made notes), that "Don Guild shingled the church for free, while others went swimming." Grandma didn't know her future husband then, but her brief accounting of his family's history from the 1890s to the 1930s is more accurate than Grandad's own kin. |
I don't know what the valuable document said or held- perhaps Gordon Grover's dog tag? (which Gordon Hargreaves, Gladys's son, inherited. My thanks to him for this and other photocopied family materials and photos.) |
On August 17, 1921, Mary Horspool Guild gave up. Her death notice in the Columbian newspaper: | |
undertaker's spartan report is in James Wesley's hand. He
didn't supply her date of birth, but wrote that she was "51 years, 11
months, and 8 days old". Grandad
turned 15 on August 28th. She left her second boy a week before his
special day Grandad and his dad moved back to Edmonton soon after. | |||
They returned to the big house at 11516 - 95A Street in Edmonton. Mary Horspool Guild's sister, Katie Horspool Scarlett, (who'd witnessed Mary's wedding; better known as Kit), lived in Edmonton. She had Don over for what she believed to be a health-giving soup - peas boiled to mush in milk, with no seasoning. Grandma made very good vegetable soups, but never put peas in them. As a girl, I suggested once that she put peas in; that was when I heard this tale. Gladys wrote to Mae, in 1959, "Dad then moved back to Ed again where I kept house for him and Don and taught school. I married about 1922 & Dad remarried, Ida M. Ellis, a widow we had known for years." She was apparently a kind, calm woman, well-liked by all. She had a daughter Pearl and a son Elmer, both young adults at that time. |
Grandma told me that
this was their wedding photograph, 1922. | ||
"Donald is here with them spending the winter and wants to work. ... "Donald expects to go back to Edmonton in the spring and Uncle Jim and Aunt Ida want to go with him. Donald expects to work with Gladys' husband guiding tourists through the mountains."
< Xmas
1923 | |
James made this tile at the L.A clay works. |
"Uncle Jim was working for a clay producing co. since they moved to Southgate. They may buy a small house." |
Jim and Ida returned to the big Edmonton house, but sometime shortly thereafter, sold it and bought another house a few blocks to the west. I have no photos, that I know of, of 11841 - 95 Street. He lived out his life there. | |
"James helped Don pick out land at Pedley in 1931," my grandma told me, according to my 1993 notes taken while she talked. Gordon Hargreaves remembers, "a Turkey Farm (not chickens, or not just chickens, near Nisku, south of Edmonton - maybe 1928." As a girl, I remember driving by the property and being told something about turkeys. Grandma just said that he started a "chicken farm, down 142nd, over the first bridge, had his property in there." She, Grandad, and my dad visited and stayed with them in the 1930s. Ida kept a "little garden, with 1st-prize rhubarb" - at the farm, perhaps, or at their city house. I didn't ask which, and Grandma didn't say. Mae wrote on Aug. 20, 1953, that "Jim was sick 9 years." Gordon Hargreaves wrote on May 30, 1996, "I remember 'big' grampa ... when we visited him, as he lay sick (and trembling)." James Wesley Guild died on January 16, 1939. |
| |
James Wesley, last photo I have of him, probably
mid-1930s; Ida Ellis Guild, same studio & date. | |||
Dear Cousins (continued on the
back side) Mae wrote on Dec. 23, 1954: "Papa was right about Uncle Jim being so kind & doing for others. He was nothing but kind and nice to Aunt Ida." Ida had anemia and diabetes. She lived to be 87 years old. She died Mar 10, 1959. | ||
Bronze spelter
castings of Shakespeare and Milton, 1880s. |