As a board
member and chair of Island Pathways, I volunteer many hours
throughout the year to inprove active, multi-modal transportation
on Salt Spring Island and throughout the Salish Sea region.
I'm also chair of our Bicycle Working Group, working to get
a bikeway through Salt Spring Island, to connect with a world-class,
inter-regional network of cycling, walking, hiking trails. I
started and run the two following blogs
Pathways main website
Island Pathways
Working Group blog
I created
and occasionally update theSalt Spring Greenwise
website, to showcase all places, things, activities, and
businesses green on island.
The karate-do,
the karate way, I teach is non-profit, to help everyone in class
me, too hone skills for avoiding and solving conflicts
while sourcing a sure-fire tap to harmony and joy through body-mind-spirit
and I are protecting and enhancing an orphaned patch of Garry
oak eco-system surrounding our home, a vestige of the rarest
tree eco-system in Canada. He's fenced two acres to keep out
deer and is planting and encouraging all sorts of rare native
plants greenery and wildflowers to thrive here
again. I remove the larger invasives, while dreaming of the
place becoming a Garry oak tour and education centre, when we
and it are ready for this commitment.

includes family
current and past.
To honour
kin who've past and are out of touch, I offer these family webpages.
I'm the family memory-keeper, in that I have a trove of records
and notes, plus a good recollection (yet!) of family connections
and stories. A larger family history is in the making, using
the marvels of computer and internet resources, a long, slow
process while I'm still in the thick of life, with so much else
to do.
& Grandad
Mom & Dad
Our Son Will
Old Cousin Mae